What is The Consuming Fire and the mission of our ministry?




The apostle paul states in Hebrews Chapter 12:29 For our God is a Consuming Fire.  God  appeared within fires and light to men throughout the scripture.  Fire can burn, consume, destroy, purify, and enlighten.   The Consuming Fire is about being consumed with knowledge and understanding of Gods wisdom and meaning of the Holy Scriptures.  We focus on being students of the Bible to gain an  understanding and knowledge of what the Lord Jesus taught when he walked among His elect 2000 years ago.   Our desire is for other people in our nation and around the world  understand the magnitude,  and impact that He has had and now has on the world politically, socially,  and spirtually.   Our world is going through a metamorphasis that Jesus spoke of before his crucifiction.   His teachings/prophesying is what finally ended his life on the cross for a short 3 days rest then.....something miraculous  happened,  he arose!   He taught for 40 (an important number)days after his resurection and was seen of more than 500 people and then something else miraculous happened,  He left this earth literally ascending up into the heavens where 2 (another important number) angels were seen promising the eminant return of Jesus in like manner.  God uses many ways to speak to us confirming and reafirming the information in layers that we may have confidence in His word being true.  Modern archaelogical information consistantly confirms the biblical information to be dependable and overwhelmingly  accurate.   This is a great joy to the elect everywhere when the science says "this cannot be so" while the scripture for 6000 years has  stated "God hath said".   What a priveledge it is to serve the One True God we know as Jesus the Christ.  Maranatha.